We are proud to announce first final release of Mobicents SS7 1.0.0.FINAL
NOTE : This release comes with a change in name and home for Mobicents SS7. The new name is jSS7 which stands for Java SS7. jSS7 has its own home at http://code.google.com/p/ jss7/ and is moved to git repository
There are no new feature additions. From now on all new feature additions and fixes will be made to jSS7 master http://code.google.com/ p/jss7/source/browse/
Mobicents jSS7 is the only OSS Java implementation of SS7. It comes with JSLEE MAP and ISUP Resource Adaptors (RA) to make life of legacy developers very easy as they have to just understand the RA and don't have to worry about SS7 stack.
Mobicents jSS7 is compatible with Dialogic boards and also has inbuilt support for SIGTRAN (M3UA).
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Release includes:
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- ASN library
- ss7 protocols including ISUP, SCCP, TCAP and MAP
- Mobicents Service
- Shell Management Interface
For details on stack creation and configuration please refer to docs available online http://www.mobicents. org/ss7/docs.html
The examples are not part of release. Please refer to JSLEE 2.6.0.FINAL
Let us know if you have any issues.
Where to download from?
Release Contents
- ASN v1.0.0.FINAL
- SS7 v1.0.0.FINAL
- SCTP v1.0.0.CR2
Code Branch 1.x Checkout
Code Branch 1.x Browse
SVN Tag Checkout
http://code.google.com/p/jss7/ source/checkout release-1.0.0.FINAL
How to Use it?
Please refer to online documentation.
More Information
For more detailed information, please visit the following sites:
Mobicents Google Group, for posting questions ( http://groups.google.com/ group/mobicents-public)
Mobicents Homepage (http://www.mobicents.org)
Mobicents SS7 Team
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